2025 Executive Board Election
The SEIU Local 284 democratic process to elect a President (3-year term), Trustee (3-year term), Two (2) Member-at-Large (3-year term), and Sergeant-At-Arms (3-year term) positions is about to begin. An Election Committee will oversee the election.
**Please see below for Duties of Officers.
Nominations will be accepted at the February 22, 2025, Leadership Assembly during the General Membership Union Meeting. Any nominee who is unopposed shall be deemed elected without the necessity for further procedures. If there is more than one nominee, the election shall be by secret mail ballot.
Election Schedule:
- February 22, 2025 - Nominations accepted at General Membership meeting of SEIU Local 284. If no contested all officers will be sworn in and no further action is needed.
- February 24, 2025, at 4:00 P.M. - Candidate Profiles due for any contested seats.
- March 3, 2025 - Ballot's mailed to all Members **Only if any seats are contested.
- March 19, 2025, at 3:00 P.M. - All ballots returned by U.S. MAIL and received by the Bureau of Mediation Services will be picked up **Only if any seats are contested.
- March 19, 2025, at 4:00 P.M. - All ballots will be opened and tallied at SEIU Local 284, 450 Southview Blvd, So St Paul, MN 55075 **Only if any seats are contested.
- March 20, 2025, at 6:00 P.M. - General Membership Meeting, Announcement of elected officers and swearing in. **Only if any seats are contested.
SEIU Local 284 Officer Nominations
Contact As, Director of Operations Ashley Potter @ ashleyP@local284.com for information and forms needed to nominate and candidate profile form.
Article V, Section 2-Any nominee who is unopposed shall be deemed elected without the necessity for further procedures.
Article V, Section 5- No member shall be eligible for nomination or election to the office of Trustee or Member-At-Large unless the member is actively employed under a collective bargaining agreement in Local 284's jurisdiction at the time of the election. Any member may be nominated and elected to the office of Executive Director, President, Vice President and/or Sergeant-At-Arms. No member shall be eligible for nomination or election to the office of Senior Member unless the member is 55 years of age or older or retired from active employment in this Local Union’s jurisdiction. No more than three of these five named positions shall be members who are employed by this Local Union. No member shall be eligible for nomination or election as an officer in this Local Union unless he or she has been a member two (2) years immediately preceding the nomination and continuously in good standing of this Local Union and is paying at least the minimum dues required for working members.
ARTICLE VII – Duties of Officers
Section 1 Executive Director The Executive Director shall be the chief officer of this Local Union and shall advise, direct, guide and effectuate programs to meet the needs of this Local Union. The Executive Director shall be elected for a term of three (3) years pursuant to Article V, Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Executive Director to hire personnel. If it should become necessary to terminate personnel of the union, the Executive Director shall have that authority also, subject to terms and conditions of the staff Collective Bargaining Agreement and approval by the Executive Board. The Executive Director shall designate staff to negotiate all contracts and agreements in conjunction with the elected steward(s) and elected negotiating committee subject to the mandate of the membership, and to sign them on behalf of this Local Union. The Executive Director shall see that all grievances when submitted are handled prudently and shall keep a correct record of all communications and contracts for the benefit of this Local Union. In the absence of a steward at any unit meeting, the Executive Director or designated staff person will conduct the meeting according to the rules. The Executive Director shall also preside at general meetings in absence of both the President and Vice Presidents.
The Executive Director shall be empowered to arrange for legislative assistance. The Executive Director and such members of the Executive Board, the membership and/or staff as the Executive Director may designate shall be authorized to travel and to attend such meetings and seminars as the Executive Director determines to be for the benefit of the Local Union and its affiliated members and the Local Union shall pay the expense incurred therefore.
The Executive Director shall be responsible for all financial records and transactions. The Executive Director shall collect all dues and other revenues of this Local Union and, upon request, issue official receipts for same, and notify all suspended members two (2) months in arrears of the amount of their indebtedness. It shall be the duty of the Executive Director to announce receipts and disbursements at each meeting; the Executive Director shall deposit all monies in a financial institution recommended by the Trustees; keep a correct record of all dues, payments, and all other money received and expended; submit financial statements quarterly at the membership meeting of this Local Union, pay all bills ordered by the Local Union; the Executive Director shall submit all books and receipts to the Trustees for their audit and approval when called upon to do so, and at the expiration of the Executive Director’s official term of office shall turn over to the successor all monies and property of the Local Union that may be in the Executive Director 's possession. All funds shall be deposited in a financial institution in the name of the Local Union, and all checks must be signed by the Executive Director and countersigned by one other person as designated by the Executive Board. The Executive Director shall keep all membership records and application cards and a record of all members admitted by initiation or otherwise, as well as rejections and suspended or expelled members. The Executive Director shall send to the International Union an accurate record of all dues, payments, and other revenue and shall forward to the Secretary Treasurer of the International Union the correct names and addresses with proper ZIP codes and member identification number of all members initiated or readmitted, and of all other persons from whom revenue is derived, as well as those suspended for non payment of dues or for any other cause; also a correct list of those who take a transfer or withdrawal card. The Executive Director shall promptly forward to the International Secretary Treasurer copies of all annual audit reports and copies of all financial reports setting forth a statement of liabilities and a statement of receipts and disbursements which are required by law. It shall be the duty of the Executive Director to serve as a delegate to appropriate assemblies as required. The names and addresses and member identification number (including e-mail address and phone number, if available) of all members should also be sent to the State Council with which this Local Union is affiliated.
Section 2 President - The President shall be elected for a term of three (3) years pursuant to Article V, Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of this Local Union and conduct same in accordance with Parliamentary Rule and in conformity with this Constitution and Bylaws and the Constitution and Bylaws of the International Union; to execute the laws and order thereof; to vote on all questions where it is necessary, to appoint all committees unless otherwise provided for, of which committees the President shall be ex officio a member. The President shall, when authorized by the Local Union, have the full power and authority to sign all contracts and agreements or any other documents for or in behalf of the Local Union. It shall be the duty of the President to serve as a delegate to appropriate assemblies as required.
Section 3. Vice Presidents - The Vice Presidents shall be elected for a term of three (3) years pursuant to Article V, Section 1. There shall be two (2) Vice Presidents. The First Vice President shall be a member of the Executive Board and perform the duties of the President in the absence of that Officer. The First Vice President shall also be responsible for providing notification to the Secretary Treasurer of the International Union of the names and addresses, with proper ZIP codes, of all Officers elected to office within fifteen (15) days after the election. The Second Vice President shall be a member of the Executive Board and perform the duties of the First Vice President in the absence of that Officer. It shall also be the duty of the Second Vice President to keep a record of all proceedings of the Executive Board and General Membership, including minutes of all meetings, and keep a record of all Executive Board members present at each meeting of the Executive Board and General Membership. It shall be the duty of the Vice Presidents to serve as delegates to appropriate assemblies as required
Section 4. Trustees - Three (3) Trustees shall be elected for a term of three (3) years, with a Trustee elected each year pursuant to Article V, Section 1. The Trustees shall see to it that all funds are placed in a proper financial institution in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and Bylaws. It shall be the duty of the Trustees to conduct a quarterly audit of the Local Union. It shall be the further duty of the Trustees to supervise all funds, bonds, properties, securities and investments of this Local Union, subject to the instructions from this Local Union; to inform the financial institution officials as to the proper signatures on checks issued by the Local Union. They shall prepare and execute the bonds of the Officers with a licensed surety company. It shall be their duty to recommend such measures as will safeguard the funds of this Local Union. It shall be the duty of the Trustees to serve as delegates to appropriate assemblies as required.
Section 5 Sergeant At Arms - The Sergeant At Arms shall be elected for a term of three (3) years pursuant to Article V, Section 1. The Sergeant At Arms shall attend the door and register all members attending the meeting of the Local Union, assist the President when called upon in preserving order, and perform such duties as may pertain to the Sergeant At Arms office or which the Local Union or the President may direct; allow no person to enter who is not a member in good standing or to retire from the meeting without permission from the Vice President. It shall be the duty of the Sergeant At Arms to serve as a delegate to appropriate assemblies as required.
Section 6. Members At Large - Five (5) Members At Large shall be elected for a term of three (3) years, with at least one (1) Member At Large elected each year pursuant to Article V, Section 1. The Members At Large shall be members of the Executive Board and shall serve as delegates to appropriate assemblies as required.
Section 7 Senior Member - The Senior Member shall be elected for a term of three (3) years pursuant to Article V, Section 1. The Senior Member shall be a member of the Executive Board, is the Chair of the Senior Member Committee and shall serve as a delegate to appropriate assemblies as required.